Nurlaila Nikmah Afina, Nur Fatimah


Language exposure from the environment is needed to enable students to acquire the language and to learn it. Storytelling can be the exposure in learning English. In the English Education Study Program of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan one of the elective courses is storytelling. During pandemic, storytelling class was conducted online. The objective of this study is to describe the performance of the students in storytelling and to describe challenges and strategies of the storytelling online performance. This study applies mixed-method. The students’ performance was assessed with a storytelling rubric using scales ranging from 1 to 4 (beginning-exemplary). It was measured by three raters. To deepen and enrich the data, the researchers did an interview. For quantitative data, the researchers calculated the means of each aspect of the rubric (know the story, voice, pacing, duration, pronunciation and language accuracy). The assessment was also converted into scores. The data were then classified into categories of performance in storytelling. The data from the interview were classified based on thematic grouping. The results show that the means of the students’ storytelling performance based on the rubric is above 3.52 out of 4. This is classified “accomplished”. Among the criteria set in the rubric of storytelling, voice is the lowest achievement (3.46). Converted into the score, the students’ performance is 88.18 (good). The challenges in performing storytelling are speaking anxiety, difficulty to control the voice levels and producing sounds of the characters, and in pronouncing unfamiliar words.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2022.v1i1,%20March.9050


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Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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